- Name: Dr.Shailendra K. Dubey
- Designation: Professor
- Qualification: B.E. Civil, M.Tech.(Stucture), Ph.D.
- Area of Expertise: Structures
- Experience: 33 Years
- Phone: 9823075194
A patent is file with Title Experimental Investigation on Ultimate Lateral Strength of Partial Infilled Braced Frames, 191/MUM/2012, Dated/Time: 19/01/2012 15:23:12.
Paper Published (Conferences / Journals):
- “Flat Buyer’s Guide” Indian Valuer, April 1995.
- “Ultimate Strength Of Infilled Frames Under Horizontal Load” Journal Of Structural Engg. Vol 23 No.3, Oct.1996,Pp 129-135.
- “Value Analysis –A Modern Concept Of Construction Management”- All India Seminar, Ahmadabad March 1998.
- “Studies On Strength Properties Of Polymer Concrete”- All India Seminar At REC Hamirpur,Dec.10-11,1996.
- “Preventation Of Leakage Of Slabs By Ponding Method”- NBM & CW, May 99, Pp 30-32.
- “Remedial Measure For Road Construction And Maintance” –NBM & CW Nov.2000, Pp 68-69.
- “Remedial Measures against Earthquake Disaster” –NB M & CW, Janu.2003, Pp 52-58.
- “Hidden Beam –A New Concept Of Slab Design”- CE & CR, Nov.2004, Pp 54-58.
- “Remedial Measures For Building Against Earthquake”-National Seminar, IPS Academy Indore, 26 To 28 Dec.2002.
- “Studies on Concrete Infilled Pipes with Core Steel”- NBM& CW, Dec 2005, Pp 52-84.
- “Evaluation of Water Conservation Schemes”-Feb 21-22, 2005.
- “Review Of Seismic Retrofitting Techniques”-International Conference At Sati Vidisha,Feb 2006.
- “Review Of Failure Of Structure During Earthquake And Remedial Measure For It” Engg.College IPS Academy Indore, 11-12 Nov.2005.
- “Cost Effectively Solution for The Management Of Solid Waste” Feb 2006, National Conference, KKC Chalisgaon (M.S).
- “Intelligent Lighting Controls In Building, “National Conference Held At Moghe College Pune, Jan.2009.
- “Energy Audit Methodology” – National Conference Held at Moghe College Pune, January 2003.
- “Minimal Energy Building” – National Seminar at COE Ramtek-18 To 19 Dec 2009.
- Natural Ventilation For Enclosed Building In Rural And Gaothan Area”- National Conference At School Of Environmental And Earth Science, NMU Jalgaon.I St & 2 Nd, Feb.2010.
- “Lean And Six Sigma: Combined Approach To Construction Management –National Seminar At BSD COE Dhule 19 And 20th Feb.2010.
- “Operation Research In Making India A Super Power By 2020”-International Conference At COE, Navalnagar- Ist And 2nd April 2010.
- “Autonomous Building”- International Conference At COE, Navalnagar- Ist And 2nd April 2010.
- “Space Optimization Of Residential Buildings”, ‘The Technology World’-The International Journal Of Malsia, Volume V, ISSN- 2180-1614, March And April 2010.Pp (237-240).
- “Way To Prevent Global Warming By The Civil Engineers”-National Level Conference At VLB COE And Technology, Coimbatore.-9 Th Sept.2010.
- “Measures For Seismic Resisting Of Building”- International Conference At BSD COE ,Dhule.-Intrnational Journal BSD.-Jan 2011.
- “Provision For Thermal Comfort In Residential Building”- International Conference At BSD COE ,Dhule(13-15th Jan) 2011.
- “State Of Art On Ultimate Strength Of Infilled Frames”- International Conference At BSD COE ,Dhule(13-15th Jan) 2011.
- “Concept Of Green Technology”-National Conference On Advances In Civil Engineering-(AICE- 2011) At Pravara Rural COE, Pravaranager ,Loni . March 3-5, 2011.
- .Performance of standard and high strength concrete exposed to elevated temperatures, National Seminar, D.N. Patel ,COE ,Shahada, 6 March 2012.
- .An Experimental Investigation on the Ultimate Strength of Epoxy Repaired Braced Steel Frames , National Conference ,Association of consulting civil engineers(INDIA), 13-14 July 2012. (published)
- Ultimate Strength of Epoxy Repaired Reinforced Concrete Frames, International journal of civil and structural engineering, vol.3, no.2, Nov.2012, ISSN 0976-4399, Doi :10.6088/ ijcser.201203013041.(published)
- Geometric Linear and Nonlinear Analysis Of Beam International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT), Vol. 2 Issue 7, July – 2013, pp415-423, ISSN: 2278-0181
- .Experimental Investigation on Ultimate Strength of Partially infilled- and-Steel Braced Reinforced Concrete Frames, International journal of advanced structural engineering, SPRINGER, July 2013, doi: 10.1186/2008-6695-5-15. (published)
- Experimental investigation on ultimate lateral strength of partial infilled braced frames, The Patent Office Journal, Government of INDIA. 19512. Publication Date : 26/07/2013 (54)
- An Experimental Investigation on the Ultimate Strength of Braced Reinforced Concrete Infilled Frames, Journal of structural Engineering, SERC (madras), Chennai. (Accepted for publication)
- An Investigation on the minimizing Captive Column Effect by Using Steel Bracing, Current advances in civil Engineering, U.S.A. (Accepted for publication)
- An Investigation on the minimizing captive column effect by using steel bracing, Current Advances in Civil Engineering, U.S.A., Vol.1, Oct.2013, pp.23-26.
- Experimental investigation on the ultimate strength of epoxy repaired braced partial infilled R.C. frames, International Journal of Advanced Structural Engineering, Iran, SPRINGER. Vol.6,pp.1-8, January ,2014, Doi: 10.1186/2008-6695-6-3.
- Use of steel bracing for minimizing captive column effect of R.C. frames, International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology, Vol.3, Special issue 4, March, 2014.
- An Experimental investigation on the ultimate strength of braced reinforced concrete infilled frames, Journal of Structural Engineering, SERC (Madras), Chennai, Vol.41, No. 4, October-November, 2014.
- appraisal of concrete using metakaoline and fly ash, International journal of engineering research and science & technology, Vol.4, No.4, Nov.2015, PP (70-75).
- Effect of geo-polymer on strength of concrete, SSRG International journal of civil engineering Volume 3, issue 1, Jan 2016,PP(34-41).
- Experimental investigation of reinforced pre-cast wall panels by using Sisal fiber, International journal of engineering and innovative technology, Vol.5, issue 7 , Jan 2016, PP(51-60).
- Dr.S.K.Dubey,Dr.Sunil.Y.Kute:”An Experimental Investigation on ultimate Strength of Partially Infilled:Braced Steel Frames “,Journal of Institution of Engineers:Series A,17th October,2017.(doi.org/10.1007/540030-017-0230-2)
- Dr.S.K. Dubey,Dr. Sunil.Y.Kute:”Effect of Steel bracing on ultimate strength and stiffness of reinforced concrete frames”,Journal of Civil Engineering and Urbanism,Volume 7,Issue 6,2017.
- Patil M. N., Dubey S. K., “The Influences of curing condition on properties of concrete”, Cikitusi Journal for Multidisciplinary Research, 6 (4), (2019), pp. 804-806
- Patil M. N., Dubey S. K., “Experimental Investigation on Strength Characteristics of Self-Curing Concrete: A Sustainable Approach”, in: Proceedings of the International Conference on Innovative Trends in Civil Engineering for Sustainable Development (ITCSD-2019), NIT Warangal, 2019, pp. 5-6
- 47. Dr. S.K Dubey : “Analysis and design of framed and block Machine foundation”, International journal of engineering development and research, Vol 8 Issue 1 January 2020