- Name: Sangeeta Deepak Agrawal
- Designation: Assistant Professor & HOD
- Qualification: B.E. Civil, M.E. Civil (BST)
- Area of Expertise: Building Science and Technology
- Experience: 15 Years
- Phone: 9421619583
Paper Published (Conferences / Journals):
- Prof. A.K.Diwedi and Prof. S.D.Agrawal “Sustainable Mangement of Pond Ash” National Conference on” Emerging Trends in Engineering, Technology and Mangement ” at SSBT’s College of Engineering and Technology, Bambhori, Jalgoan, PP 365-369, 29th March 2010.
- Prof. A.K.Diwedi and Prof. S.D.Agrawal ” Suitability of Pond Ash as fine Aggregate in Cement Concrete” National Conference on” Recent Trends & Challenges in Civil Engineering”,at KaviKulguru institute of Technology and Science” Ramtek, Nagpur, PP 2-9, 18-19 Dec. 2009.
- Prof. A.K.Diwedi and Prof. S.D.Agrawal,“Sustainable Management of Pond Ash, “First International Conference on Sunrise Technologies [iCOST-2011]”, on 13th – 15th January 2011, at S.S.V.P.S.B.S.Deore College of Engineering, Dhule, Maharashtra, India.
- Prof. A.K.Diwedi and Prof. S.D.Agrawal, ”Groundwater Quality Degradation in Rural Area – Review” ,“First International Conference on Sunrise Technologies [iCOST-2011]”, on 13th – 15th January 2011, at S.S.V.P.S.B.S.Deore College of Engineering, Dhule, Maharashtra, India.
- Prof. A.K.Diwedi and Prof. S.D.Agrawal,”High Performance Concrete”, “First International Conference on Sunrise Technologies [iCOST-2011]”, on 13th – 15th January 2011, at S.S.V.P.S.B.S.Deore College of Engineering, Dhule, Maharashtra, India.
- Prof. A.B.karnkal and Prof. S.D.Agrawal and Hemant Wagh,”Rooftop Rain Water Harvesting – A Sustainable Solution of Water Crisis”, “First International Conference on Sunrise Technologies [iCOST-2011]”, on 13th – 15th January 2011, at S.S.V.P.S.B.S.Deore College of Engineering, Dhule, Maharashtra, India.
- Prof. A.K.Diwedi and Prof. S.D.Agrawal”Experimental Investigation on Use of Pond Ash & Stone dust as Partial Replacement of Fine Aggregate in Cement Concrete” Amrapali International Journal of Civil Engineering, (AIJCE), ISSN XXXX-XXXX, Volume-1, No.1, April-2010, pp 15-24.
- Prof. A.K.Diwedi and Prof. S.D.Agrawal,” Uniaxial Compressive Stress on Clay Brick Masonry by Using Pond Ash”, International Journal of Research in Engineering Science & Technology, (InJoREST-Civil), ISSN 2229-5135, Volume-Special Issue, No.2, October-2011, pp 48-52.
- Prof. A.K.Diwedi and Prof. S.D.Agrawal,”9”Feasibility Study of Use of RCA in Concrete”, International Journal of Research in Engineering Science & Technology, (InJoREST-Civil), ISSN 2229-5135, Volume-Special Issue, No.2, October-2011, pp 70-75.
- Prof. A.K.Diwedi and Prof. S.D.Agrawal and Saurabh Samundar,“Effect of Silica fume on fly ash cement bricks – An experimental study” IOSR Journal of Mechanical and civil engineering. E- ISSN- 2278- 1684 , P- ISSN : 2320-334X Vol. 6, Issue 4 (May – June 2013) page no. 14- 18.
- Prof. S. D. Agrawal and Jagdish Prasad “ Study on Properties of Concrete for Partial Replacment of Fine aggregate by Copper Slag”, ‘International Conference on Innovation and Engineering”, on 15th Oct. 2018 at North Maharasthra Knowledge city, COE, Jalgoan.
- Prof. S.D. Agrawal and Ravi Patel” Effect on Strength of Concrete by Using Artificial Manufacturing Sand and Hypo Sludge- An Industrial Waste”, “ International Journal for Scientific Research and Development”, Vol. 5, Issue 3, 2017, ISSN: 2321-0613.
- Prof. D. Y. Kshirsagar, Prof. S.D. Agrawal and Nabila Khan, “ Study of Concrete by using Waste Plastic Bottle Caps as Partial Replacment of Coarse Aggregate”, “International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology”, Vol. 4, Issue 5, May 2017, eISSN: 2395-0056, pISSN 2395-0072.
- Prof. S. D. Agrawal and Bhavana Patil “An Experimental Study on Partial Replacment of Coarse Aggregate by using Recycled Plastic Aggregate on Strength of Concrete”, International Journal of Engineering and Technical Research” Vol. 8, Issue 5,June2018,ISSN:2321-0869.
- Prof. P.N.Patil, Prof. S. D. Agrawal and Varsha Khalane “Design of PDN for Minor no. 10 of left canal of Akklalpada project and Comparision with exsisting CDN”, International Journal of Engineering Development and Research, International Peer Reviewed, Vol. 6, Issue 3, Aug. 2018.
- Prof. S.K. Dahiwelkar,Prof. S. D. Agrawal and Priynka Garde “ Use of Pond Ashas a Partial Replacment of Fine Aggregate in Concrete”,”International Journal of Management and Technical and Engineering” Vol. 9, Issue 3, March 2019,ISSN: 2249-7455.
- Prof. P.N.Patil, Prof. S. D. Agrawal and Nilima More “ Experimental Investigation on Properties of Concrete using Over Burnt Brick Aggregate as a Partial Replacement of Coarse Aggregate”, International Journal for Science and Advance Research in Technology, Vol. 5, Issue 7, July. 2019, ISSN- 2395-1052.
- Prof. S.D.Agrawal and Mrunal Patil “ Planning of New Bus Stand at Jalgoan City”, International Journal for Science and Advance Research in Technology, Vol. 5, Issue 7, July. 2019, ISSN- 2395-1052.
- Prof. S.D.Agrawal, Prof. P.P.Patil and Prital Patil “International Journal for Science and Advance Research in Technology, Vol. 5, Issue 7, July. 2019, ISSN- 2395-1052.
Short Term Programs Attended
Sr. No. | Name | Place | Date | No. of weeks |
1 | Mission 10X Workshop | SSVPS’s BSD COE Dhule | 17/8/2010 to 21/8/2010 | one |
2 | Discrete Choice Modelling | SVNIT Surat | 21/12/2009 to 25/12/2009 | one |
3 | Effective Teaching | SSVPS’s BSD COE Dhule | 23/6/2009 to 27/6/2009 | one |
4 | Advances in Concrete | SSVPS’s BSD COE Dhule | 10/7/2017 to 14/7/2017 | one |
5 | Smart and Sustainable cities –A mission towards smart India | Sandip Foundation | 4/6/2018 to 9/6/2018 | one |