Faculty Detail

Dr. Shailesh Shivajirao Deore
  • Name: Dr. Shailesh Shivajirao Deore
  • Designation: Associate Professor
  • Qualification: B. E. (Computer), Ph.D
  • Area of Expertise: Computer Engineering
  • Experience: 20 Years
  • Phone: 9890363858
  • Email ID: shaileshdeore@gmail.com
  • Resume: Download


Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam Life Time Achievement National Award in the field of Teaching, Research & Publications from International Institutes for Social and Economic Reforms (R), Bangalore on 29th February 2020 at A.D.A Rangamandira, No. 109, JC Road, Opposite Ravindra Kalakshetra, Near Town Hall, Bangalore – 560 002.

Maharashtra Vidyaratnya Award (महाराष्ट्र विद्यारत्न) by Natural Human Rights Protection Council, Forum (नैसर्गिक मानवाधिकार सुरक्षा परिषद फोरम ), Government of India Register and Licenced by Ministery of Corporate Affairs Year 2023.

Paper Published (Conferences / Journals):

1.Vinay T. Patil, Dr. Shailesh S. Deore, “Cyber Attacks in IOT Networks”, National Level Technical Symposium (Vidyashram Techfista 2K23 ) Organised by Department Of Computer Engineering at P.S.G.V.P. Mandal’s D.N.Patel College of Engineering Shahada, Maharashtra dated 27 April 2023.

2.Sagar Badjate, Dr. Shailesh S. Deore, “Survey of Cloud Computing Security Issues” International Conference on Communication, Computing and Data Security  (IC-CCDS-2022) Organized by Thakur College of Engineering and Technology, Kandivali(E), Mumbai, Maharashtra state dated 25th & 26th February 2022.

3.Shailesh S. Deore (2012), “A scheduling Schemes and Basics of Cloud Computing”, Presented in International Conference on Emerging Trends in Computer Science and Information Technology ( ICETCSFT-12 ), from 9th April to 10th April 2012.

4.Shailesh S. Deore, “Extrusion Detection by using Escalation Algorithm” National Conference organized by A.I.S.S.M.S I.I.T. Pune on “Futuristic Computer Application”, December 22 to 24th ,2009.

5.Shailesh S. Deore, M.J. Patil, P.R. Patil, “Network Security using EA Approach for EDS”, International Conference on Science, Engineering, Spirituality jointly with IEEE & Computer Society, S.E.S. College of Engineering Navalnagar, Dist.Dhule. (M.S.), April-1st & 2nd ,2010.

6.Shailesh S. Deore, Deepak Y. Bhadane, “Signature Based Extrusion Detection System based upon EA Approach” National Conference organized by P.S.G.V.P MANDALS D.N.PATEL College of Engineering, Shahada, 7th March 2010.

7.Deore S.S, A.A. Chavan, Bhadane N. V. (2009), Query Humming: melodic matching techniques for MP3 songs, In Proceedings of 2nd National conference on Computing, Communication, Electronica & management- 09 (NCCCEM-09) Oraganised by KCE COEIT, Jalgaon on 20-21 th March 2009.

8.Mayuri Kulkarni, Dr. Shailesh S. Deore,” A review on Microvascular Diseases in Diabetic Patients Using MLA”, in 2nd International Conference on Emerging Trends in Intelligent Computing (ICETIC’23) Organised by Department of Computer Engineering and Information Technology, SVKM’s Institute of Technology, Dhule held on 16-17 June 2023.

9.Tukaram GAwali, Dr. Shailesh S. Deore,” Survey on Spatio_Temporal Transportation issues and study different Machine Learning Techniques based on filtering and classification of transportation images “, in 2nd International Conference on Emerging Trends in Intelligent Computing (ICETIC’23) Organised by Department of Computer Engineering and Information Technology, SVKM’s Institute of Technology, Dhule held on 16-17 June 2023.

10.Dr. Shailesh S. Deore, “Rights of Citizens in Basic Human Rights(BHR)”, National Conference on Human Rights: Present Scenario and Challenges, Organized by NBPS Rukhaaaminitai Arts and Commerce women’s college, Amalner, Dist. Jalgaon dated 29th April 2023.

Paper Published (International-Journals):

1.Tukaram Gawali, Shailesh S. Deore “Dual-discriminator conditional Giza pyramids construction generative adversarial network based traffic density recognition using road vehicle images”, International Journal of Machine Learning and Cybernetics , published 17 Aug.2023.

2.Tukaram Gawali, Dr.Shailesh S. Deore, “SURVEY ON SPATIO-TEMPORAL TRANSPORTATION USING DEEP CONVOLUTION NETWORK FOR TRAFFIC FLOW”,  Journal of Data Acquisition and Processing, 2023, 38 (2): 10-20,  07 April2023, Volume 38 Issue 2, ISSN: 1004-9037

3.Shailesh S. Deore (March 2016), Comparison of Energy Efficient Scheduling Schemes for Private cloud Environments, International Journal of Advance Research in Computer and Communication Engineering, Vol.5 Issue3, March 2016, DOI 10.17148/IJARCCE.2016.5380.

4.Shailesh S. Deore (April 2016), Joulemeter: Power Measurment for Virtual Machine in Private cloud Environments, International Advance Research Journal Science Engineering and Technology Vol.3 Issue4, April 2016, DOI 10.17148/IARJSET.2016.3414.

5.Shailesh S. Deore, Dr. Ashok Narayan, “Systematic Review of Energy-Efficient Scheduling Techniques in Cloud Compouting” International Journal of Computer Applications(0975-8887), Vol.52, No.15, August 2012, DOI > 10.5120/8275-1877.

6.Shailesh S. Deore, Dr. Ashok Narayan, “Energy-Efficient Scheduling Scheme for Virtual Machines in Cloud Computing” International Journal Of Computer Applications(0975-8887), Vol.56, No.10, October 2012, DOI > 10.5120/8926-2999.

7.Shailesh S. Deore, Dr. Ashok Narayan, “Energy-Efficient Scheduling And Allocation Scheme for Virtual Machines in Private Cloud “International Journal of Applied Information System (2249-0868), Vol.5, No.1, January 2013, DOI > 10.5120/ ijais12-450842.

8.Vinay Patil, Dr. Shailesh S. Deore, “A Study of DDOS Attack Detection Methods”, Journal of Data Acquisition and Processing, ISSN 1004-9037, DOI:10.5281/zenodo.98549840, Dated 02 June 2023, Volume 38, Issue 3.

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