- Name: Ramkrishna Pitambar Patil
- Designation: Assistant Professor
- Qualification: B.E. (Electronics), M.Tech. (Digital Communication)
- Area of Expertise: Digital Communication
- Experience: 16 Years
- Phone: 09405794552
- Email ID: rp.patil@ssvpsengg.ac.in
Conferences & Workshop
National Paper
1. R. P. Patil, R. P. Desale, K. S. patil,”4G Wireless Systems”, NCRT-2010, S.S.V.P.S. College of Engg. Dhule (Feb 2010)
2. R. P. Patil, R. P. Desale, I. S. Sonawane, “Wireless Sensor Networks” NCRT-2010, S S V P S College of engg. Dhule (Feb 2010)
3. R. P. Patil, P. G. Salunke, R. P. Desale, “A Simulation model For Wireless Sensor network based On TOSSIM”, NCRT-2010, S S V P S College of engg. Dhule (Feb 2010
International Conference/Journal
1. R. P. Patil; R. P. Desale, “Wireless Sensor Networks” S E S College of Engg. Navalnagar (Dhule).1-2 April 2010.
2. R. P. Patil; R. P. Desale; Y.V. Ravandale, “Application of Fiber Bragg Gratings in All-Optical Gain-Controlled Bidirectional Add-Drop Amplifier” iCOST, S S V P S College of engg. Dhule (Jan. 2011)
3. R. P. Patil; R. P. Desale; Y.V. Ravandale, “Application of Fiber Bragg Gratings in All-Optical Gain-Controlled Bidirectional Add-Drop Amplifier” International Journal of Computer Applications and Business Intelligence (IJCABI), ISSN 0975-945X, pp.31-36 Special Issue Feb.2011.
4. Ramkrishna Patil, Prof. Anukul Shukla, Prof. Manish Saxena, “Performance Evaluation of Image Fusion based on Discrete Cosine Transform.” Published in “International Journal of Electronics and Communication Technology (IJECT) ” Vol. 4, Issue 2, April - June 2013 ISSN : 2230-7109 (Online) | ISSN : 2230-9543 (Print)
5. Ramkrishna Patil, Anukul Shukla, Manish Saxena, “Performance Evaluation of Image Fusion based on Discrete Cosine Transform.” Published in “International Journal of Electronics Communication & Computer Engineering (IJECCE)” Volume 4, Issue 3, May- June 2013, ISSN: 2249071X.
6. Ramkrishna P. Patil, “Image Fusion Techniques based on Discrete Cosine Transform using energy coefficients and contrast measure”, in One Day Online International Conference on Recent Advances in Engineering, Science and Technology ( ICRAEST-2024 ) on Friday 15 March, 2024
7. Ramkrishna P. Patil, “Image Fusion Techniques Based on DCT Using Energy Coefficients and Contrast Measure”, published in International Journal of Innovations in Engineering and Science (IJIES), Vol. 9, No. 2, 2024, PP. 35 -40, e-ISSN: 2456-3463.
1. Effective Teaching & Personality Development - SSVPS COE Dhule (26-30th June)
2. Neural Networks & Fuzzy System - KJSIIT, Sion (Mumbai) (4-8 th Jan. 2010)
3. Latex - SSVPS COE Dhule (7-8 th Dec.2012)
4. One day workshop on syllabus framing of SE (E & Tc) - RCPIT, Shirpur (5 March 2013)
5. One day workshop on Energy Audit- SSVPS COE Dhule (11th March)
6. Two day workshop on PCB Design- SSVPS COE Dhule (3-4 th April 2013)
7. Two days state level workshop on “Design & Analysis of Modern Antennae”- K. K. Wagh institute Of Engineering Education & research, Nashik (9th -10th Dec.2016)
8. One Week Online Faculty Development Program on Signal, Image & Video Processing: A Practical Approach (SIVPAPA-2020) under Technical Education Quality Improvement Program (TEQIP-III) organized by Department of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering, GOVERNMENT COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING, KARAD during May 26-30, 2020
9. Train-the-Teacher Training Program (TTT Program) on the theme „Online Learning: Live Classroom Teaching Platforms‟, organized by Kavayitri Bahinabai Chaudhari North Maharashtra University, Jalgaon (Maharashtra425 001) during July 24-27, 2020.
10.Co-ordinated Webinar on Road safety by Swapnil Jawharkar Sir ( Honda Motorcycle and scooters Pvt. Ltd.), Tuesday 28 Sep. ,2021.
11.Inculcating Universal Human Values In Technical Education - All India Council For Technical Education (AICTE) (26-30 Dec.2022)
12.Applications Of AI in Electronics Design - NITTTR Chandigarh (20 -24 Feb, 2023)
13.Introduction To Scilab NITTTR Kolkata (27 Feb -3 Mar, 2023)
14.Signal Processing Using Machine Learning Algorithms Organized By Ramrao Adik Institute Of Technology, D Y Patil Deemed To Be University, Nerul, Navi Mumbai. (2-7 Jan. 2023)
15.One Week Faculty Development Programme on Bio-Medical Engineering organised by NITTTR, Kolkata from 24th July to 28th July, 2023.
16.One Week Faculty Development Programme on Fundamentals of Machine Learning and Deep Learning organised by NITTTR Kolkata from 25th September to 29th September, 2023
17.AICTE Recognized Faculty Development Programme on Neural Networks and Fuzzy Logic Conducted by Electronics and Communication Engineering Department from 21/08/2023 to 01/09/2023 (Two Weeks) at NITTTR, Chandigarh
18.Two week faculty development programme/STTP on Advanced Pedagogy organized by NITTTR Kolkata (15th Jan. to 26th Jan. 2024.)
19.Certificate Course on Chip Design & FPGA System Design (CDFD-2024) organized by Indian Society for VLSI Education(ISVE) Ranchi, Jharkhand & Pt. Ravishankar Shukla University, Raipur, Chhattisgarh, India.
20.National Faculty Development Program on Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence organized by Andhra Pradesh State Skill Development Corporation (APSSDC) in Collaboration with ExcelR Edtech Pvt. Ltd from 26th Feb to 1st March 2024.
21.National Faculty Development Program on Data Analytics using Power BI and Tableau organized by Faculty of IT and CS -Parul University - Gujarat, Atria Institute of Technology- Karnataka & Amity Pune – Maharashtra in Collaboration with ExcelR Edtech Pvt. Ltd from 11th to 15th March 2024.
22.One Week Faculty Development Program (Online mode) on “Recent Advances and Future Trends in AI and NLP” organized by Global Institute of Science & Technology, Haldia, West Bengal, India from April 15-19,2024.